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Showing posts from November 30, 2015

The Human Body’s Ability to Repair Wounds

Among the numerous mechanisms that make human life possible is the body’s ability to heal wounds and regenerate damaged tissue. The process begins as soon as an injury occurs. The healing process is made possible by a cascade of complex cellular functions:

Should I Quit School?

Here’s what you need to think about What is the minimum schooling that the law in your area requires? Have you reached that stage yet?  Have you achieved your educational goals?  What are the goals that you want your education to help you achieve? Not sure? You need to know! Otherwise, you’re like a train passenger who has no idea where he wants to go. So sit down with your parents, and discuss the section below titled “ My Educational Goals .”

What if I’m Being Bullied?

Bullying is no trivial matter. A large percent of the youth suicides reported in the national media appeared to involve bullying as a contributing factor.   What is bullying? Bullying includes more than physical assaults. It can also involve the following. Verbal attacks. Making a person  feel worthless, unwanted, and good-for-nothing. Social isolation.  Cyberbullying.  W ith just a few keystrokes on a computer,  you can ruin someone’s reputation or even his life. It sounds like an overstatement, but it can happen!  Cyberbullying also includes sending harmful photos or text messages using a cell phone.   Why do people bully others? These are some common reasons.

How Can I Stop Being So Sad?

  With assistance and effort, you can get out of a deep pit of sadness   Many isolate themselves. If invited somewhere, they come up with an excuse not to go. They do a good job at hiding their sadness from their family. And family members they think I’m fine. Have you ever been feel similar? If so, don’t hastily conclude that there’s something wrong with you. The fact is, everyone gets sad now and then.   In some cases, you may know why you are sad; in other cases, you may not. It can come on at any time, even if your life is trouble free. It’s weird, but it happens! Regardless of the cause —or even if there doesn’t seem to be one—what can you do when sadness holds you in its grip? Try the following: