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Showing posts from July 30, 2014


History buffs might remember Robert Boyle as the scientist who gave his name to Boyle’s law —a natural law that sets out the connection between pressure and volume in gases. His momentous discovery laid the basis for countless scientific developments that followed. But Robert Boyle was more than an able man of science.   BOYLE was born into a wealthy family at Lismore Castle, in Ireland, in 1627. That was near the beginning of what historians call the age of reason —a time when thinking men tried to free mankind from the fanaticisms that had enslaved the human race for centuries. Boyle shared that goal. In an autobiography of his early years, he gave himself the name Philaretus, meaning “Lover of Virtue.”

Nigerians plead for foreign help as Ebola spreads

LAGOS – Standing just a few hundred metres from the Lagos hospital where a Liberian man died of Ebola, John Ejiofor pleaded for the world to help contain a spread of the virus raging across west Africa.



And the cat is just looking...

              Shared by Swanky Christy

Medieval Masters of Mechanics

  AUTOMATION has taken over industry —especially the routine and repetitious tasks. But when did automatic, programmable devices first appear on the scene? Was it just a couple of centuries ago during Europe’s industrial revolution? You may be surprised to learn that automatic machines were invented much earlier.

“I Want Out!”

The run-down house shows signs of neglect. Over the years, it has weathered many storms, not all of them successfully. Now the structure is fragile, and the collapse of the house seems imminent. That picture describes the state of many marriages today. Have you ever felt that your own marriage may be heading in the same direction?

N100m LARGESSE: Our leaders cheated us — Chibok parents

By Henry Umoru   ABUJA—The N100 million cash gift allegedly given to parents of abducted Chibok girls when they met  President Goodluck Jonathan on July 22 at the Presidential Villa is now causing disquiet among the aggrieved parents. They  have reportedly cried out that they have been cheated by their community leaders in the sharing formula.

Exercise Payoff

  Lets look at three payoffs to having a good exercise program. Payoff 1. Exercise boosts your immune system. If you cant find time to exercise, you'd better find time to be sick.  Payoff 2. Exercise releases chemicals into the brain that calm you. Running is a good release, especially when you have a lot on your mind. Physically you'll feel refreshed and emotionally it's great relief. Payoff 3. Exercise can increase your fun.  Secret to Success: Devote at least 20 minutes three times a week to a vigorous physical activity that you enjoy. Remember this: While genetics play a role, your physical condition is often determined by the lifestyle you choose. So when you say “I need to exercise,” the choice is yours; you can do so.

Protect Yourself From Crime! (Cyber crime and Identity theft.)

CYBERCRIME What is it? Cybercrime refers to crime conducted online. It includes tax and welfare fraud, credit card fraud, and the nondelivery of purchases. It also includes scams, such as fraudulent investments and online auctions.

How to Deal With Burnout (Concluding part)

3. LEARN WHEN TO SAY NO TO WORK. If you face an unrealistic workload or some other persistent problem in your workplace, discuss your situation with your employer. Whenever possible, offer solutions that meet both your needs and those of your employer. Reassure your employer of your commitment to your work, and explain what you are willing to do; but be clear and firm about what you are not able to do. Use foresight and be realistic. If you want to work less, your employer may expect you to accept less compensation. Anticipate risks such as the threat of job loss, and be prepared to respond. Remember that your prospects for finding a different job are better while you are still employed. Even when you have reached a mutually agreeable work arrangement with your employer, you can expect to be pressured again to take on more work. What can help you to remain firm? Keeping to the commitments that you have made. Doing so might give you leverage to ask your emplo

The Resilient Brain of the Arctic Ground Squirrel

  As a hibernating animal begins its sleep, its body temperature cools. How low can it go? A dozen arctic ground squirrels appear to have set a record —when their body temperature dropped to 26.8 degrees Fahrenheit (-2.9°C)! At that temperature, we would expect their brains to freeze. How does the arctic ground squirrel survive?

How to Deal With Tantrums

  THE CHALLENGE A mother's experience: When he is upset, my two-year-old launches into a fit of screaming, stomping, and thrashing about. I wonder: ‘Is my child normal? Does he throw tantrums because of something I am doing wrong? Will he ever grow out of this?’ You can help change his/her behavior. But what could be contributing to it.

Protect Yourself From Crime! (Concluding part)

CYBERCRIME What is it? Cybercrime refers to crime conducted online. It includes tax and welfare fraud, credit card fraud, and the nondelivery of purchases. It also includes scams, such as fraudulent investments and online auctions. How does it affect people? Cybercrime costs the victims —and society as a whole— billions of dollars. What can you do? Be wary! Do not be fooled by professional-looking Web sites, and keep in mind that legitimate financial institutions will not ask you to e-mail highly confidential information. Before buying or investing online, ascertain the company’s reputation.  Analyze a company and its policies. Ask yourself: ‘What is the company’s physical address? Is the phone number correct? Will my purchase involve hidden costs? When will my order be delivered? Can it be returned or refunded?’ Be suspicious if an offer looks too good to be true. The greedy and those who want something for nothing are prime targets for online thi