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Showing posts from July 28, 2014


  Also shared by Kostas Kastrinakis  

What is going on?!?!

 Shared by Kostas Kastrinakis

A Global Epidemic

Smoking is a relentless killer. Surveys shows the that; It killed 100,000,000 people during the last century. It takes about 6,000,000 lives a year. On average, it kills one person every six seconds. And there is no sign of a turnaround. Researchers predict that smoking will have taken 1,000,000,000 lives by the end of the 21st century.

Why Do We Buy?

 Put emotion aside, and compare marketing promises with reality.   THE PROMISE: “Improve Your Quality of Life” It is natural to want a better life. Advertisers bombard us with messages that all of our desires —better health, security, relief from stress, and closer relationships— can be achieved by making the right purchases.

Protect Yourself From Crime!

In many lands, crime is an ever-present danger. For example, in one country a judge stated: “The sad reality is that it’s not if, but when, you will become a victim.” In other places, crime may be less common. Even so, it is unwise to become complacent, for complacency can lead to vulnerability. Whether you live in a high-crime or a low-crime area, how can you make life safer for you and your loved ones?  Physical injury and material loss are not the only consequences of crime. Many victims also suffer lasting mental and emotional harm. How important, then, that we do what we reasonably can to increase our safety! With that goal in mind, consider how you can take steps to protect yourself from four kinds of crime —robbery, sexual assault, cybercrime, and identity theft. But first Robbery.   ROBBERY What is it ? Robbery is theft using force or threats of force. How does it affect people? After a string of armed robberies many observed that al

Snake Skin

  Because they move without limbs, snakes need robust skin that can withstand constant friction. Some species climb up rough tree trunks, while others burrow into abrasive sand. What makes the skin of a snake so durable? Consider:

Boko Haram attacks Cameroun

Nigeria’s neighbour, Cameroon, yesterday, came under attack from Boko Haram Islamic sect as the terrorists launched an offensive on the home of Cameroon’s vice Prime Minister, Amadou Ali, abducting his wife and killing three others in the northern town of Kolofata. A local religious leader and mayor, Seini Boukar_Lamine, was also kidnapped in a separate attack on his home. According to Cameroon=s Information Minister, Issa Tchiroma told Reuters news agency yesterday that, “I can confirm that the home of Vice Prime Minister Amadou_Ali in Kolofata came under a savage attack from Boko Haram_militants. They unfortunately took away his wife. They also attacked the lamido’s (religious leader’s) residence and he was also kidnapped,” he said, adding that at least three people were killed in the attack. Boko Haram fighters clashed with the Cameroonian army in cross‑border attacks twice since Friday, killing four soldiers.

How To Control Your Weight

“ Moderate in habits. ” That includes your eating habits. So why not try the following? Listen to your stomach.  Avoid foods that are unwholesome.  Adjust bad eating habits.  Secret to Success: Don’t skip meals! If you do, you’ll feel starved and tend to overeat. Of course, some people who say “I need to control my weight” have a distorted body image. They’re really fine the way they are.  However, what if you do need to lose weight?

Kano Bomb blast!

  KANO – many feared dead as suicide bomber blew up herself (some say it’s a she) at the NNPC mega station located along Eastern bye pass in Kano,Monday morning. Another day, another sad story. Not even the Celebration can stop it.

Ebola: Arik Air suspends flights to Liberia, Sierra Leone

We were under pressure to release victim – Hospital. By Sola Ogundipe, Olasunkanmi Akoni, Lawani Mikairu, Daniel Eteghe & Gabriel Olawale Lagos—Arik Air yesterday said it had suspended flight operations to Liberia and Sierra Leone following the death last week, of a Liberian, Mr. Patrick Sawyer, of the dreaded Ebola disease, even as it advised that all inbound flights into Nigeria from any of the Ebola affected countries be immediately suspended by the Federal Government. Sawyer flew into Nigeria onboard Asky Airline to attend an ECOWAS conference in Calabar, Cross River State. This came as First Consultants Medical Centre Ltd, Obalende, Lagos, the hospital where the first Ebola victim in Nigeria died, said it was under serious pressure to release the victim. Confirming the suspension of the flights yesterday, Arik Air General Manager, Public Relations, Mr Ola Adebanji said “As a result of the first Ebola virus death officially confirmed in Lagos, and involving

How to Be a Good Listener

  THE CHALLENGE “You’re not listening to me!” is a phrase you often hear. ‘But I was,’ you tell yourself. Evidently, though, what you heard is different from what was said. As a result, another argument erupts. You can avoid these conflicts. Why you might miss important details in what a person is saying —even though you think that you are listening. You are distracted, tired, or both.

Medieval Masters of Medicine

Arabic manuscript illustrating Albucasis’ surgical instruments Many aspects of modern medicine may not be as modern as some think. In fact, a number of today’s common medical practices were already in place centuries ago in some lands. Consider, for example, the history of medicine in medieval times in the Middle East. In 805 C.E., CALIPH HARUN AR-RASHID established a hospital in his capital, Baghdad. From the 9th century through the 13th, other rulers built and maintained hospitals throughout the Islamic empire, from Spain to India. These hospitals welcomed the rich and the poor of all religions. Professional physicians not only treated the sick there but also did research and trained new practitioners. Separate wards were set aside for different specialties —internal medicine, ophthalmology, orthopedics, surgery, contagious disease, and mental infirmity. Doctors, accompanied by their students, examined the sick each morning and prescribed diets and drug


“Sexting” is the practice of sending sexually explicit texts, photos, or videos via cell phone. “It’s almost the normal order of operation now." You text back and forth and pretty soon you’re exchanging hot photos...:-) Why do people do it? Some see it like, “having a naked picture of your significant other on your cellphone is an advertisement that you’re sexually active,” A friend once said after all “you can’t get pregnant from it and you can’t transmit S.T.D.’s.” Other reasons for sexting include the following:

The Painted Lady—A Mystery Revealed

  Observers have long admired colorful painted lady butterflies ( Vanessa cardui ) and have wondered what happened to them at the end of each summer. Do they simply perish with the onset of cold weather? Fresh research reveals an extraordinary story. The butterflies make an annual journey between northern Europe and Africa. Researchers combined results from sophisticated radar with thousands of sightings reported by volunteers across Europe. The results revealed that as the summer ends, millions of painted lady butterflies migrate south, mostly flying at an altitude of more than 1,600 feet (500 m) —therefore hardly ever seen by humans. The butterflies wait for favorable winds, which they ride at an average speed of 28 miles per hour (45 km/ h) on the long trip to Africa. Their annual migration is up to 9,300 miles (15,000 km) long, beginning from as far north as the fringes of the Arctic and terminating as far south as tropical West Africa. The trip is almos

Manage Your Money Wisely

    Some people have indeed developed a fondness for money and have devoted themselves to the accumulation of riches. Some have become slaves of money and have reaped tragic consequences.  When managed properly, however, money can be a useful tool. You can use “money to solve a lot of problems.”   The following five steps are commonly recommended by financial advisers, 

Dealing With Those Outside Your Stepfamily (Part 2)

RELATIONSHIP 2: ADULT CHILDREN One woman complained about the way her husband tends to side with his adult children and refuses to acknowledge that they treat her unkindly. “My fury escalates so fast,” she says. How can you keep relationships with the adult children from damaging your marriage? A key to success: Show empathy. Try to understand and identify with the other person’s feelings. Adult stepchildren may fear losing their parent’s affection. Or they may feel that by welcoming a stepparent, they would be disloyal to their original family. Meanwhile, parents might worry that criticizing their children will push them away. Instead of trying to force a friendship, let your relationship with your stepchildren develop naturally. In general, it is unwise to try to coerce or pressure someone into feeling real love. So try to set reasonable, realistic expectations when it comes to closeness with your stepchildren. Do not say everything that you think or feel, even

The Tail of the Agama Lizard

  The Agama jumps from a horizontal surface onto a vertical wall with ease. But if that surface is slippery, the lizard loses its footing, yet it still makes a successful landing on the wall. How? The secret is in the lizard’s tail.

Diabetes In the Spotlight

The incidence of diabetes mellitus is increasing so quickly that it has become a global epidemic. There are two major types of diabetes. Type 1 starts mainly in childhood, and presently doctors do not know how to prevent it. I will be writing about type 2, which accounts for about 90 percent of all diabetes. It affects adults (including celebrities like Halle Berry, Paula Deen, Patti LaBelle, Chaka Khan, Bille Jean King and so on) as well as children. Experts claim, however, that the risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced. A little knowledge can help.