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Showing posts from January 21, 2016


(1) Foreseeing dangerous situations and avoiding them. It wise to be shrewd and to think ahead. Using our imagination, we can consider the potential consequences of decisions before we make them. For example, if you are invited to a social event, how could your imagination help you to make a wise decision about whether to attend? After considering such factors as who else is invited, the size of the gathering, and where and when it will be held, think: ‘What is likely to happen there?’ Can you realistically imagine

Flaunting—Is It Worth the Price?

“Slipping into a pair of designer jeans or designer anythings can raise the insecure from the doldrums of nothingness to the fantasy level of ‘I’m somebody,

The Magnificent Macaws

  BRILLIANT colors burst from the forest canopy as a flock of birds take wing! It has a magnificent sight. The macaws long-tailed parrots can be found in the tropical regions of the Americas. Before long, pictures of these spectacular creatures appeared on maps of the region as a symbol of the newly found paradise. Both male and female macaws are