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Showing posts from January 14, 2016

The Sensors of the Black Fire Beetle

Forest fires repel most animals, but they attract black fire beetles. Why? Because newly burned trees are an ideal place for these insects to lay their eggs. Furthermore, fire drives away predators, leaving the beetle free to eat, mate, and lay eggs safely. But how do black fire beetles find forest fires in the first place? The beetle’s infrared receptors Consider: 

How Do I Look?

Why should you care about what you wear? Because clothes make a statement. What message do yours send?   Three big fashion mistakes and how to avoid them

Fresh Air and Sunshine—Natural “Antibiotics”?

When scientists first discovered chemical antibiotics in the mid-20th century, doctors hoped that these new medications would eliminate certain diseases. At first, the new medicines seemed to live up to their promise. Yet, their widespread

How to Overcome Feelings of Insecurity

Nothing seems more helpless than a newborn baby. When we came into the world our security depended entirely on our parents. When we learned to walk, we met strangers who towered over us like giants. They frightened us unless our parents were close at hand. But we felt safe when we grasped the hand of our mother or father. During childhood, our well-being depended on the love and encouragement that our parents gave us. When we realized that our parents loved us, it reinforced our sense of security. When they assured us that we were doing well, we felt more confident and we made progress. As we got a bit older,