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Showing posts from April 5, 2017

The Nigerian Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP, 2017-2020) by President Buhari

Launched today, Wednesday, April 5, 2017  According to Femi Adesina, below is a list of things President Buhari said during the launch  1. As we all know this Administration inherited numerous challenges. Our political campaign was based on a recognition of the difficult situation Nigeria was in and the need to bring positive and enduring change. 

Its Ok for Rape Victim to Marry their Rapist - Malaysian MP tells Parliament

Rape victims can ward off a “bleak future” by marrying their rapists, an MP and former judge has suggested in the Malaysia parliament.  Shabudin Yahaya, who is a member of the Barisan Nasional coalition and former sharia judge, made the comments in response to a proposal by an opposition member   at the Houses of Parliament during a debate over a bill on sexual offences against children.

Make Chocolate Cake With Avocado Instead of Eggs and Butter

An avocado contains more potassium than a banana. Avocados have 14% and a banana contains 10% potassium. Ingredients

The Mechanical Gears of the Issus Leafhopper

Mechanical Gears have long been thought to be solely a product of human ingenuity. That view has been proved wrong! Interlocking gears have been discovered in a living creature —the juvenile Issus leafhopper, found in gardens all over Europe.

The Bar-Tailed Navigational System

THE bar-tailed godwit makes one of the most amazing migrations known to man. The bird’s 7,000-mile (11,000 km) journey can take more than eight days. Researchers speculate that some types of birds use the earth’s magnetic field for navigation, as if they had a compass built into their brain. It is possible

How To Deal With Anxiety?

What makes you anxious? Do the following statements describe how  you  feel at times? “I’m constantly thinking: ‘What if . . . ?’ ‘What if we get in a car accident?’ ‘What if our plane goes down?’ I’m anxious about things that a more rational person wouldn’t worry so much about.” —Charles. “I feel anxious all the time, as though I were a hamster on a wheel running around but never getting anywhere. I’m working myself to death but not really accomplishing anything!” —Anna. “When people tell me that I’m fortunate that I’m still in school, I say to myself, ‘They have no idea how stressful school is!’” —Daniel. “I’m like a pressure cooker. I’m always worried about the next thing that will happen or the next thing I need to do.” —Laura. Fact of life:

Your Smile—A Gift to Share

WHEN someone gives you a beaming smile, how do you respond? Most likely you smile back. And you probably feel happier too. Yes, genuine smiles —whether from friends or total strangers— are infectious, and they evoke good feelings.  A sincere smile indicates positive emotions, such as amusement, happiness, and pleasure. Indeed, smiling . . . seems built into our nature. Even newborns, are able to interpret facial expressions with great precision. Not only do people deduce useful information from smiles, they also use this knowledge to direct their own behavior.

How to Show Appreciation

THE CHALLENGE Expressions of appreciation are essential to a successful marriage. Many husbands and wives, however, stop noticing their partner’s good traits, much less expressing appreciation for them. One counselor observes that many couples who see him “are much more concerned with what is  not  happening [in their marriage] than with what is. They’re in my office to tell me what needs to change, not what needs to stay the same. The mistake every one of these couples makes is that they fail to show love through appreciation.” How can you and your spouse avoid that pitfall?

The Compound Heat Shield of the Saharan Silver Ant

The Saharan silver ant ( Cataglyphis bombycina ) is one of the most heat-tolerant land animals known. When the midday Saharan sun forces the ant’s predators to seek shade, the ant makes brief forays from its burrow in search of food, which consists of other insects killed by the intense heat. Consider:


Aluminum foils is one of the most used kitchen items. Except for cooking, it’s also used for wrapping and even for treatment of common ailments. However, a recent discovery has shed new light on this kitchen staple. For one thing, aluminum is a neurotoxic heavy metal that has an adverse effect on brain function, and has even been linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Medical experts warn that exposure to this metal may result in mental decline, as well as loss of coordination, bodily control, memory, and balance. Needless to mention, the effects can be long-lasting.