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Showing posts from August 23, 2016

Friendship or Romance? What Signals Am I Sending?

You like to be available when a friend needs to talk. And lately you’ve been talking to one friend a lot. The problem is, it’s someone of the opposite sex. ‘We’re just friends,’ you tell yourself, assuming that the other person feels the same way. Should you be concerned?   What can happen   Why it matters   What you can do   Tips   What can happen

The Ant’s Neck

MECHANICAL ENGINEERS marvel at the ability of a common ant to lift weights many times heavier than its own body. To understand this ability, engineers at Ohio State University, U.S.A., reverse engineered some of the ant’s anatomy, physical properties, and mechanical functions by means of computer models. The models were created using X-ray cross-sectional images (micro CT scans) and simulations of the forces an ant generates when carrying loads.

When a Friendship Gets Too Close

THE CHALLENGE You have a friend of the opposite sex who really understands you. The two of you can talk about anything, and you do. ‘We’re just friends,’ you tell yourself —although your spouse might think otherwise if he or she were privy to your lingering conversations. Likely, your friendship is already too close and you need to address the situation. First, though, consider why you might have become entangled in such a relationship. WHY IT HAPPENS Fulfillment. Simply put, attention from the opposite sex feels good. It flatters us to know that we are valued, and it makes us feel attractive. After being married for a time, you might begin to find reassurance in the company of a friend of the opposite sex. But know this: Having such needs fulfilled by someone other than your spouse comes at a cost. When you form an improper emotional connection with a member of the opposite sex, you weaken your connection with your spouse. In a sense, you rob your spouse

8 Air-Freshening Tips That Should Replace Cancer-Causing Air Fresheners Forever

Dangers of Air Fresheners: Air fresheners usually contain phthalates, a potentially dangerous chemical which has been from cosmetics in the UK. The National Resources Defense Council tested 14 air sprays off the shelf in Walgreens, including those labeled “all-natural” and “unscented” and found that 12 of the 14 tested positive for phthalates. Scented candles: A study of scented candles showed that frequently burning paraffin wax candles in poorly ventilated rooms could be dangerous because when burned they give off toluene and benzene, potential carcinogens. Reed Diffusers: Reed diffusers, on the other hand, are often made with dipropylene glycol, an ingredient also used in antifreeze, which is dangerous to cats and dogs, or ethanol, and also pose a sanger to small children if they ingest the liquid of get it in their eyes. I know, I know, the information is disheartening. Especially when all you want to do is make your home smell nice, warm and inviting. Well fear not, my gree

Consoling Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma

Listen, listen, listen. When a child skins his knee, his first impulse is to run to Mommy or Daddy for comfort. But an abused child may never even have had that option. So as an adult, he still has that same need , to tell, to talk it out, to be comforted by a sympathetic listener.   Expose the lies.

Eating an Avocado a Day is the Best Natural Beauty Tip You’ll Ever Hear

Did you know that your skin is a reflection of the health of your internal organs? Your skin itself is an organ, one that can be compared to the lungs (that filter our air) or our digestive system (which filters our food). Similarly, our skin interacts with the external elements and provides protection from pollution and the sun’s rays. You want your skin to be in great shape and you can look to skin issues to learn more about what is happening in your body beneath the surface. You can eat strategically for beautiful, glowing skin by simply adding more avocado to your diet. Avocado is so good for your skin that it even makes a great face mask , no other ingredients needed; simply mash it up into a paste and apply externally for soft, smooth skin. The Benefits of Avocado