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Showing posts from July 29, 2014

Never..... :)

    Originally shared by Adducted2Success  

Beauty and Makeup :-)

An interesting post i found- A Visit to Azerbaijan

  AZERBAIJAN is the largest of the three countries of the Southern Caucasus. About a thousand years ago, Turkic tribes began settling in this territory in large numbers. Those settlers absorbed some of the local traditions, and the locals adopted some of the settlers’ culture. Not surprisingly, therefore, the Azerbaijani language is closely related to Turkish and Turkmen.

Meet the Elusive Sand Cat

 IN THE heart of an arid desert, during the dark hours of the night, a sand cat emerges from its den and stops. It looks around and listens. Then, crouching low to the ground, the animal quietly begins its trek across the sandy terrain. Suddenly, the sand cat leaps upon its unwary prey —a gerbil. Afterward, the prowl continues through the night, with the sand cat making occasional leaps into the air to catch more prey. If it catches more than it can eat, the sand cat will cover what is left with sand. It returns to its den in the early morning and seldom appears during the day.  Consider some intriguing features of this elusive creature:

Boko Haram: Jonathan should exchange prisoners for Chibok girls — Evah

Comrade Evah BOKO Haram bombing is getting deadly by the day, what is your opinion? In fact, it is full blown war that we are witnessing and I am ashamed of our Northern leaders that they are helpless. Northern leaders should be ashamed of themselves that they can’t call their children to order. They thought they had the mandate of their people be Nigeria military rulers and civilian presidents. So what is happening? Why are they all running and hiding in Abuja? It is a shame if Niger Delta political leaders entered canoe to move into the creek why are these Northern leaders staying back? What is your advice to President Goodluck Jonathan now? President Goodluck Jonathan should use the Ramadan fasting period to exchange the prisoners of war now. He should bring out prisoners of Boko Haram and exchange them with the Chibok girls now. I am appealing to the president to go the extra-mile as an African statesman to do this for the sake of peace. Let the world know that

How to Deal With Burnout (Part One)

Workplace burnout is more than mere tiredness, and it goes beyond the ordinary stress of everyday work. Burnout is characterized by chronic exhaustion and strong feelings of frustration and powerlessness. Those suffering from burnout tend to withdraw emotionally from their work, lose motivation, and become less productive. Studies also link burnout to numerous emotional and physical health problems. What causes burnout? Work overload is often a factor. Because of economic pressures, some employers demand that employees work longer hours, at times for less money. Technology now keeps some in constant contact with their job, blurring the lines between work and private life. For some, job insecurity, lack of control over their work, or feelings of being treated unfairly contribute to burnout. So does dealing with unclear priorities or conflicts with coworkers.

Protect Yourself From Crime! (Sexual Assault)

SEXUAL ASSAULT What is it? Sexual assault is not limited to rape but includes other forms of sexual contact involving threats, force, or intimidation. How does it affect people? “The saddest thing is [that] it doesn’t just affect you while you’re being abused,” explains a rape victim. “It stays with you and haunts you for a long time and changes your outlook on life. It also changes the lives of your loved ones.” Of course, the victim is not responsible for the sexual assault. The aggressor bears that responsibility.

How Does Color Affect You?

As you look around, your eye and brain work together to gather information. You notice a piece of fruit nearby and decide whether you want to eat it. You look at the sky and decide that it will not rain today. You see the words you are now reading and sort out the meaning. Actually, you are being affected by color. Really?

The Odds Against Women

Violence and discrimination affect girls and women throughout their lives. Below are some facts. Gender discrimination. In Asia, most parents prefer boys to girls. Education. Worldwide, women and girls make up two thirds of those who had less than four years of schooling. Sexual harassment. Over 2.6 billion women live in countries where marital rape is still not considered a crime. Health. In developing countries, about every two minutes, a woman dies from pregnancy or childbirth complications as a result of the lack of basic medical care. Property rights. Although women cultivate more than half the world’s crops, in many countries they have no legal right to own property or inherit land. Why have women been deprived of such basic rights? Some cultures follow religious beliefs and practices that foster or even justify abuse of women and violence against them. 

Dealing With Those Outside Your Stepfamily (Concluding Part)

RELATIONSHIP 3: OTHER RELATIVES AND FRIENDS   A key to success: Put your new family first. Tell your relatives and friends about your commitment to your new family. While you cannot expect instant love for new family members from all relatives and friends, you can ask them to be polite and fair. Explain how hurt the children will be if they are passed over when it comes to attention and other kindnesses. Try to let grandparents from your first marriage have a place in your children’s lives.   TRY THIS: Identify the friend or relative with whom you have the most difficult relationship, and then discuss with your mate how you can improve that relationship. Relationships with those outside your household can challenge your stepfamily but “By wisdom and discernment you can do it.