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Showing posts from August 4, 2014

True Talk!

Shared by Stacy Anderson

Truly Interesting!

Shared by Interesting things

Makeup Mistakes

Yep, we love makeup. A trip to the makeup shop is like a trip to the candy store. So much to choose from - so many shades of lipsticks and shadows, different brands of mascara, foundation, concealer, and so many new beauty tools.  Ladies we don’t want to spend time buying the right makeup and brand only to wear them wrongly.   Take a look at the list below to make sure you aren’t committing any makeup crimes.

Importance Of Accessories to Fashion (Part Two)

I wrote about Eyewear and Belts. In this concluding part, I will be discussing Jewelry, Handbags...:-)   Jewelry Jewelry tends to add to on to your personal style. Find the right accessory and you will completely transform a plain outfit to appear glamorous! However, most people do not understand that jewelry can either make or break your overall look. For this reason, Jewelry must be worn properly and chosen even more cautiously. Silver jewelry and gold jewelry are quite popular. If you invest in silver and gold pieces, how they look will depend on how they are worn, among other factors.

BB Creams: Have you Jumped On Board The Train?

Hands up! If you used a BB on your face this morning instead of foundation? My hand is up (Lol). If only I could  see these show of hands I would imagine I’d see about half of you with your hands in the air, waving about with so much excitement, indicating you have jumped on board the BB train.:-).