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Showing posts from September 6, 2016

The Extraordinary Clown Fish

Orange clown fish Few fish grab our attention the way the clown fish does. Perhaps it wins our hearts with its fancy coloring, which may remind us of a circus clown. Or maybe we are  struck by its surprising choice of home—among the stinging tentacles of a sea anemone. Not surprisingly, another name for the clown fish is anemonefish. Like many Hollywood actors, clown fish are not averse to photographs. Divers and snorkelers can usually expect clown fish to “pose” for pictures, since they rarely stray far from home and are not particularly shy.

Olorogun Michael Ibru Dies At 86

The patriarch of the Ibru family and chairman of the Ibru organization, Olorogun Michael Ibru is dead. He died at the age of 86 years after a protracted illness in Florida, United States of America.

Nigeria to start issuing visa on arrival to foreign investors

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has said that government was seriously considering the option of issuing visa on arrival to foreign investors and other business men from outside the country. This will help remove bureaucratic bottlenecks that had clogged the business climate in Nigeria.


1.       When walking with someone and he says hello, you have to say hello too, even if you don’t know them. 2.       When outside, keep phones and similar gadgets away from you and pay attention to the people, unless you want them to think you are bored. 3.       After getting help, always thank the person and never take it for granted. 4.       Men should take the woman’s coat, but never take their bag in their hand.

Ten Ways You Are Ruining Your Hair

Not Shampooing Enough Washing your hair two or three times a week strips away layers of product and excess oil. Brushing Your Hair Right Out of the Shower Hair is at its weakest and most elastic when it's really wet. The tight pull of a brush, can overstretch the hair shaft and lead to breakage. A betterdetangling strategy: Use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to work through knots while your hair is coated with conditioner in the shower. Blowout With Soaking-Wet Hair Remember that last slide? You shouldn't be brushing superwet hair. Plus, the sooner you start blow-drying, the longer your hair is exposed to damaging heat. Start your blowout when your hair has already air-dried at least 50 percent of the way.

Wanted Nigerian journalist, Salkida arrested At Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport

Ahmad Salkida The Nigerian journalist, Ahmed Salkida, who was declared wanted along with two others-Ahmed Bolori and Aisha Wakil-by the Nigerian Army over Boko Haram’s latest video, has been arrested by the security operatives.