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Showing posts from November 25, 2015

The Color-Changing Ability of the Cuttlefish

Cuttlefish can change their color and camouflage themselves, becoming almost invisible to the human eye. According to one report, cuttlefish “are known to have a diverse range of body patterns and they can switch between them almost instantaneously.” How do cuttlefish do it?

A Balanced View of Money

THERE is a saying, “Money makes the world go round.” There is some truth to that statement. After all, it takes money to buy food, obtain clothing, and pay for rent or buy a home. The role of money in society is incredibly important. If money was removed as a means of exchange, we would be in a state of panic and war within a month.

HELP FOR THE FAMILY | MARRIAGE: Dealing With Differences

THE CHALLENGE You enjoy sports; your spouse would rather read. You are meticulous and efficient; your spouse is quite disorganized. You love to socialize; your spouse prefers privacy. ‘We just aren’t compatible!’ you tell yourself. ‘Why didn’t we notice that when we were dating?’ Likely you  did  notice it, at least to a degree. But back then you were probably quicker to make concessions —a skill that you would do well to revive, now that you are married.  WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Some differences are serious.  A big part of dating is determining compatibility. Hence, when serious differences are discovered while dating, many couples break up rather than unwisely entering into a polarized marriage. But what about less serious differences —the kind that are unavoidable in any marriage?