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Showing posts from September 27, 2014

The Shoe Called "Mary Jane"

Mary Jane shoe refers to a girl's or woman's shoe that is styled after shoes children wear. Mary Jane shoe comes in variety of heel heights and styles, but what makes them Mary Janes is the strap on them. Mary Janes sometimes have multiple straps crossing the top of the foot. But, traditionally   Mary Jane shoe has a short, rounded toe box, and very flat heel, although now nearly any style or height of shoe can have Mary Jane styling as you can see below.

What Makes A Good Friend?

Today, modern technology allows us to make hundreds, or even thousands, of social network “friends” by merely adding their names to our list of computer contacts. And when we wish to end one of these “friendships,” we simply delete that person’s name from our list. However, true friendship still eludes many. Like most people, you probably agree that good friends are important. You may also recognize that there is more to being a friend than simply clicking links on a computer screen or a smartphone. What do you look for in a friend? How can you be a good friend? What does it take to forge a lasting friendship?

Aloe Vera And Your Skin

Aloe Vera is a commonly used ingredient in herbal concoctions, medicines and cosmetics. It dates back to history BC where an Egyptian document reports the use of aloe Vera gel with other agents to cure various skin and other internal disorders. The secret of Aloe Vera lies in its long, succulent leaves – it is the gel that makes aloe vera a magical plant. It contains beneficial compounds like polysaccharides, lectins and mannans etc. The main constituent is water but it also packs inside a bulk of minerals, vitamins and many active compounds. The beauty of the plant lies in the fact that this ingredient can be used in almost any form – cream or gel based which makes it ideal to be marketed as a product in cosmetic and medical fields.


Internet:   If your children have access to the Internet, they need instructions on how to use it safely. There are countless pornographic sites as well as chat rooms and other social networks where pedophiles seek out and seduce children. It is wise to keep the computer in an open area where parents can more easily monitor its use. Without parental supervision children should never give out personal information or arrange to see anyone they have met over the Internet. . Alcoholic Beverages:   In many cases of sexual abuse of a child, alcohol has played a role. Experience shows that adults who overindulge tend to lower their inhibitions; some give in to desires they might otherwise have suppressed. Privacy:     Every family member needs to understand the importance of privacy. As parents need privacy from their children at certain times, so they need to give children an appropriate measure of privacy as they mature. Wise parents treat others as they themselves want to be