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Showing posts from November 24, 2015

The Mathematical Ability of Plants!

Plants use a complex process called photosynthesis to extract energy from sunlight to create food. Studies on certain species have revealed that they perform yet another feat —they calculate the optimum rate at which to absorb that food overnight.

How to Make Real Friends!

THE CHALLENGE Thanks to technology, you can connect with more people —and do so more conveniently— than at any other time in history. Still, the relationships you have might seem rather shallow.  Why is it such a challenge these days to enjoy enduring and meaningful friendships? Technology may be partly to blame.  Texting, social networking, and other social media have made it seem possible to maintain a friendship without being in someone’s presence. Meaningful conversations have been replaced by rapid-fire texts and tweets. People are having fewer face-to-face interactions.  Students spend more time in front of a screen and less time with each other.

Is Religion Dying Out?!

Have you given up on organized religion? If so, you are far from alone. In many countries the number of people who describe themselves as ‘not religious’ is growing—a trend that suggests an uncertain future for institutional religion. Some of those lands are shown here.

Whatever Happened to Discipline?

In recent decades, family life in Western lands has changed dramatically. At one time, parents were in charge and children followed their lead. Now, in some households it seems to be the other way around.  For example, consider the following scenarios, all of which are based on typical situations. While at the store with his mother, a four-year-old Ibrahim reaches out for a toy. His mother tries to dissuade him. “You have enough toys already, don’t you?” Too late, she realizes that she should  not  have ended on a question. “But I  want  it!” the boy whines. Fearing a tantrum —his usual ploy— Mom gives in.