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Showing posts from August 22, 2016

Fish Schooling

Car accidents kill more than one million people and injure approximately 50 million each year. Yet, millions of fish can swim together in a school with virtually no collisions. How do fish do it, and what can they teach us about how to reduce car crashes? Consider:

Common Misconceptions About Child Abuse

Misconception: Child abusers are usually strangers, deranged misfits who abduct children and use physical force to abuse them. In the vast majority of cases —from 85 to 90 percent by some estimates— the abuser is a person the child knows and trusts. Rather than using force, abusers often manipulate the child into sexual acts gradually, taking advantage of the child’s limited experience and reasoning ability. These abusers are not the drooling loners of the stereotype. Many are quite religious, respected, and well liked in the community. Misconception: Children fantasize or lie about sexual abuse.

Lose Abdominal Fat With This Secret Drink

In any case, you should not give up and have a go with this amazingly viable drink to smolder the fat aggregated around your inside organs and get the level stomach in truly brief time. Every one of the fixings are chosen to flush out the deposited fat and toxins from your body, empower balanced pH and adjust and restore all essential body capacities with no destructive impact.The beverage additionally contains capable cancer prevention antioxidants that work on cell level, trap poisons and securely expel them from the body with the goal that you lose stomach fat all the more effortlessly and successfully.  Make this revitalizing beverage, assault fat stores in your body and feel slimmer and healthier than at any other time. Ingredients:

Use This Ingredient and Get Thick Hair Within a Week

Hair loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, is a term which describes loss of hair from the head or body. It can occur due to various factors, including hormonal imbalance, nutrient deficiency, allergies, excess physical or emotional stress, heredity, poor hair care and use of wrong hair care products. There are many treatments available on the market, but they are very expensive and usually poorly effective. Fortunately, there are natural remedies which can enhance hair growth and prevent further hair loss. Here are the top 3 ways to get thicker hair naturally: Eggs Combine one or two eggs, depending on the length of your hair, and apply the mixture on wet hair. Let it act for 30 minutes. Then, wash your hair with lukewarm water and shampoo. This protein treatment can be used twice a week. Also, you can mix one egg yolk, one tbsp of your favorite hair oil and two tablespoons of water. Apply the resulting mixture to your scalp and massage thoroughly. Repeat the procedu

10 Dangerous Brain-Damaging Habits To Stop Immediately

Its delicate structure can be easily damaged and thus cause various serious health issues and complications. According to the World Health Organization, these are the top 10 brain-damaging habits nowadays: 1. No Breakfast We constantly hear that the breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but you surely know a lot of people who avoid it on a daily basis, including the ones who tend to reduce blood sugar levels. However, after the night of no food, the avoidance of the breakfast will provide insufficient amounts of nutrients to the brain, and if repeated, it can lead to brain degeneration. 2. Sleep Deprivation The deprivation of sleep for a longer period of time accelerated the death of brain cells. Sleep provides proper rest and repairs the body from the stress during the day. Therefore, sleeping should always be among your priorities!