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Showing posts from November 27, 2015

Do Manners Really Matter?

‘People don’t open the door for  me;  why should I do it for  them?’ ‘Aren’t there more important things to worry about than saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me”?’ ‘I don’t  need  to show manners to my siblings. We’re family.’ Do any of those statements sound like something  you would say? If so, you could be missing out on the benefits of showing good manners! What you should know about manners

Can You Control Your Life?

THERE is a saying, Life is not a matter of holding good cards but of playing a poor hand well. Today, no one has been dealt a perfect set of circumstances. Often the secret to gaining control is learning both to accept those circumstances and to work within the limitations that they impose. If you can reclaim some control of your life despite unfortunate circumstances, that is good. If your circumstances eventually improve, that is better. But the best is yet to come.

How To Get Motivated to Exercise

Bodily training is beneficial. Yet, many who say "I need to exercise” just don’t seem too eager to follow through. If you feel similarly, consider three payoffs to having a good exercise program. Payoff 1. Exercise boosts your immune system.  If you can’t find time to exercise, you’d better find time to be sick.

The Thorny Devil Lizard’s Moisture-Extracting Skin

THE Australian thorny devil lizard ( Moloch horridus ) extracts moisture from fog, humidity, and wet sand. Then it channels the water to its mouth for drinking. How? The answer may lie in the lizard’s amazing skin. Grooves on the surface of the skin are connected to a network of channels below the skin so that water is directed to the sides of the thorny devil’s mouth The thorny devil’s skin is overlaid with scales. Some scientists think that moisture or dew collected on the scales runs down to the rough surface of the skin and enters the skin’s network of half-open channels, or grooves, located between the scales. These channels are interconnected and lead to the sides of the thorny devil’s mouth. But how does this lizard draw up water —up its legs, across its body, and into its mouth— defying gravity in the process? And how does the thorny devil extract moisture from wet surfaces by rubbing its belly against them? Researchers have apparently unveiled the thorny devi

What if I Just Don’t Fit In?

What you can do First,  identify the type of people you find it most challenging to fit in with. Age: I don’t fit in with . . . peers older youths adults Performance: I don’t fit in with people who are . . . athletic talented intellectual Personality: I don’t fit in with people who are . . . confident popular in a clique

HELP FOR THE FAMILY | MARRIAGE: How to Strengthen Commitment

THE CHALLENGE On the day you got married, you made a vow. That solemn promise was a lifelong commitment —a firm resolve to stick with your spouse and solve problems that would arise. Over the years, however, the wear and tear of marital conflict has taken its toll. Do you still feel as strongly committed to your mate? WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW Commitment is like an anchor that can keep your marriage steady Commitment is the solution, not the problem.  Many people today are skeptical of commitment. Some would compare commitment to a ball and chain that shackles you to a bad decision. Instead, think of it as an anchor that can keep your marriage steady. During a conflict, one of the best things about commitment is knowing that neither you nor your spouse is leaving.