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Showing posts from September 9, 2016

Acid Victim Models On NY Fashion Week

On the first day of the New York Fashion Week, one model in particular captured the attention and applause of the audience.

The Upturned Wing Tip of Soaring Birds

A Jet plane in flight creates rapidly spiraling swirls of air at the tips of its wings. These vortices cause drag, increasing fuel consumption. They also buffet planes that may be following closely. Thus, flights departing from the same runway must be sufficiently spaced to allow time for the vortices to dissipate.

Photos: This Week Around The World

A tapestry depicting Mother Teresa of Calcutta, in the facade of Saint Peter's Basilica during a mass, celebrated by Pope Francis, for her canonization.

Spotlight On Health

Despite medical advances, disease continues to plague mankind. Yet, as evidence shows, many health problems are preventable. World The World Health Organization predicts that 24 million people will be diagnosed with cancer annually by 2035. This is an increase of about 70 percent more than the number currently diagnosed, which is thought to be over 14 million. An estimated half of those cases will be caused by lifestyle factors, such as alcohol abuse, inactivity, obesity, radiation exposure, and smoking.