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Showing posts from July 27, 2014

Dealing With Those Outside Your Stepfamily (Part 1)

A Stepmother told me her husband’s ex-wife told the children not to listen to anything she says —even something as simple as ‘Remember to brush your teeth.’” she feels that her marriage suffered as a result of that divisive tactic. Stepfamilies face unique and often challenging relationships with those outside their household. Most stepparents must deal with the child’s other parent when it comes to such issues as visitation, discipline, and financial support. Friends and relatives too may struggle to adapt to new family members. RELATIONSHIP 1: THE CHILD’S OTHER PARENT Relationship with the child’s other parent can become a tough, divisive issue for a stepfamily. Often, it is the mother and the stepmother who have the most difficulty. What can help? A key to success: Set reasonable boundaries. If you try to shut out the other parent altogether, your child might suffer emotionally. A child’s parents, the ones who ‘caused his birth,’ have a unique place in h

Frankincense: Magical and Medicinal

Frankincense is from the Boswellia tree species which grow as small shrub-like trees in dry climates; such as India, Oman, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The resin of this plants has been used medicinally and for spiritual practices for over 5,000 years, and with good reason.

Gum Disease—Are You at Risk?

 It is one of the most common oral diseases in the world. Yet, this disease in its initial stages may not  cause any immediate symptoms. . Facts About Gum Disease There are different stages of gum disease. The initial stage, called gingivitis, is an inflammation of the gums. Bleeding gums may be a sign of this stage. This may occur during brushing and flossing or for no apparent reason. Also, bleeding during a gum examination may be indicative of gingivitis. Gum disease that progresses from this stage is called periodontitis. At this point, oral structures that support your teeth, such as bone and gum tissue, begin to be destroyed. This form of gum disease may not cause symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. Some signs of periodontitis may be gum pockets; loose teeth; gaps forming between teeth; bad breath; receding gums, that is, gums that are pulling away from the teeth, giving the teeth a longer appearance; and bleeding gums. Cause and Effect of Gum D

How to Control Spending

A look at your bank statements and bills reveals that your money is slipping away like sand that slips through your fingers. What may have caused you to get into this predicament? Adjustment. If you were living at home with your parents or relatives before, you may be new to the world of paying bills and sharing expenses.  It takes time to adjust and develop method of handling money. Like weeds in a garden, debt that is ignored will simply grow and grow You can do the following to ease spending: Resolve to cooperate. If you have a roommate or spouse instead of blaming each other, work as a team to bring spending under control. Decide at the outset that you will not allow this issue to drive a wedge between you.   Set up a budget. Write down all of your expenses, no matter how small, for a month. That will help you to figure out where your money is going and to identify any unnecessary expenditures.  Allocate funds each month fo

Is Money Your Master or Your Servant?

DO YOU suffer from money sickness syndrome? Reportedly, this condition afflicts a large percentage of the world’s population. What is it?  . It should come as no surprise that during recent months more and more people have fallen victim to the ill effects of money-related anxieties. The current financial crises in many lands have resulted in the loss of jobs, homes, and personal savings on a global scale. Large financial institutions have collapsed, and even the wealthiest nations have adopted emergency measures to prevent total financial ruin. In the developing world, the rising cost of food and other basic commodities has also caused much anxiety. The Other Side of the Coin On the other hand, in good times and bad times, many people —both rich and poor— are relatively free of anxieties about money and material possessions. Why the difference? In a report entitled The Meaning of Money, the researchers observed tha

The Versatile Lemon

IMAGINE a product that can be used as medicine, a cleaning agent, a disinfectant, and a beauty treatment. You can eat it, drink its juice, and extract essential oil from it. It comes attractively packaged, is available all over the world, and is inexpensive. You may even have one in your kitchen right now. What is it? The lemon! Not Just for Flavor How often do you use lemons? Some put a slice in a cup of tea; others use the zest or a few drops of the juice in cake recipes. Maybe you squeeze them to use the juice for lemonade. Chefs around the world always have lemons on hand for endless uses in cooking. But have you ever used lemon juice as a disinfectant or to help remove a stain? Actually, some people clean up and disinfect their chopping boards by rubbing them with half a lemon. Instead of using bleach for stains or cleaning the sink, some use a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda. And half a lemon in the refrigerator or dishwasher is said to eliminat

Your Health...“Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite!”

Tiny Survivors Because they are no bigger than an apple seed and have a flat body, bedbugs can hide almost anywhere. They may find a home in your mattress, your furniture, an electrical outlet, or even your telephone (Which can be annoying). Bedbugs tend to stay within 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 m) of beds and seating areas. Why? To keep close to their food source —you (I know). Bedbugs often bite while their victims are asleep. However, most people never feel the bite because the bugs inject an anesthetic that allows them to feed for up to ten minutes without interruption. And although bedbugs may feed every week, they have been known to survive without a meal for many months.

Help in Relationships..... How to Forgive

THE CHALLENGE When you and your spouse argue, you often bring up the past, rehashing a list of old grievances that should have been settled long ago. The problem? One or both of you may not know how to forgive. You can learn. First, though, let’s see why a husband and wife may find it so difficult to forgive each other. WHY IT HAPPENS

Do You Have “a Feast Constantly"?...:-)

“All the days of the afflicted one are bad; but the one that is good at heart has a feast constantly.” —King Solomon. WHAT do those words mean? They refer to one’s mental and emotional state. “The afflicted one” dwells on the negative —an outlook that makes his days “bad,” or dismal. By contrast, the one who “is good at heart” tries to focus on the positive —an attitude that fosters inner joy, giving him “a feast constantly.”