A Stepmother told me her husband’s ex-wife told the children not to listen to anything she says —even something as simple as ‘Remember to brush your teeth.’” she feels that her marriage suffered as a result of that divisive tactic. Stepfamilies face unique and often challenging relationships with those outside their household. Most stepparents must deal with the child’s other parent when it comes to such issues as visitation, discipline, and financial support. Friends and relatives too may struggle to adapt to new family members. RELATIONSHIP 1: THE CHILD’S OTHER PARENT Relationship with the child’s other parent can become a tough, divisive issue for a stepfamily. Often, it is the mother and the stepmother who have the most difficulty. What can help? A key to success: Set reasonable boundaries. If you try to shut out the other parent altogether, your child might suffer emotionally. A child’s parents, the ones who ‘caused his birth,’ have a unique place in h
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