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Showing posts from August 24, 2016


Isn’t it every woman’s dream to have a smooth and perfect skin? Of course age, poor nutrition and the poor state of the environment does their work, and in most cases, over time, the skin loses its elasticity and gets some defects, including enlarged pores and pigmentation.     Getting rid of these defects is not so difficult, because there are some tricks that will help you get your dream skin. Take note of this simple homemade recipe:

10 Ways To Eat Healthy On A Budget

Eating healthy doesn’t always need to be expensive – with some guidance and a little bit of planning, you can be eating healthfully while saving money!  Here are the top 10 ways you can reduce your grocery bill without sacrificing your health: 1. Shop in the Bulk Section Nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruits, beans, lentils, flours – these are some of the wonderful whole foods that you can find in the bulk section at many health food stores.  Because these goodies come without fancy packaging and attractive labels, they are typically cheaper than the pre-packaged versions you can find on the shelves.  And as an added bonus, by bagging your own food, you get to decide how much (or how little) you take home with you! 2. Pack Your Own Lunch If you’re eating out for lunch everyday it’s likely adding up, and there’s a good chance you aren’t getting the nutritious meal you deserve.  Eat healthier AND save money by packing your own lunch!  Getting your meal together the night before can

What Should I Know About Sexual Assault?

WHY IT MATTERS Each year millions of people are raped or otherwise sexually abused, and young people are a prime target. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Annette’s attacker threw her to the ground before she realized what was happening. “I tried everything I could to fight him off,” she says. “I tried to scream, but only air escaped my lungs. I pushed, kicked, punched, and scratched. And that’s when I felt a knife pierce my skin. I went completely limp.” If you were in a situation like that, how would you react? STOP AND THINK! While you might be prepared , perhaps by being alert when you travel outdoors at night— bad things can happen. “The swift do not always win the race,” nor do those with knowledge always have success, because time and unexpected events overtake them all. Some people like Annette, are assaulted by a stranger. Others are attacked by an acquaintance or even a family member.   YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME

Take One Boiled Egg to Control Sugar in The Blood

Yes, it’s that simple! In this article we’re going to show you a simple trick, which will help you control your blood sugar levels! And you just need one boiled egg! Many experts around the world say that this homemade remedy is extremely effective and beneficial for controlling and reducing your blood sugar levels. It reduces the blood sugar levels very quickly. This recipe can decrease blood sugar very quickly and it requires commitment and attendance.  Diabetes –

The “Seeing” Skeleton of the Brittle Star

THE reef-dwelling brittle star has an amazing form of armor on its upper surface. This part of its skeleton is studded with microscopic lenses that turn the animal’s armor into a compound eye. Crystalline bumps on the skeleton serve as high-quality microlenses Consider:

Paper Towel Trick You Need to Know to Make Your Leafy Greens Last Longer Than EVER Before

Fresh foods like leafy greens, fruits and veggies are an essential part of a healthy diet, and because they are free of nasty preservatives and artificial ingredients, they often have shorter shelf life than packaged goods.  We want to help make your fresh produce last as long as possible, preventing the frustration of watching your leafy greens wilt and tomatoes rot before you get the chance to enjoy them!  Here are our favorite ways to extend the shelf life of commonly purchased produce: Leafy Greens