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Showing posts from September 8, 2016

Spotlight on the Environment

Although the earth produces clean air, nourishing food, and fresh water, humans are increasingly disrupting these natural processes. Scientists are desperately seeking solutions to reverse this trend.

The Byssus of the Marine Mussel

Like barnacles, marine mussels attach themselves to rocks, wood, or ship hulls. However, unlike barnacles, which fasten themselves tightly to a surface, marine mussels dangle by a network of thin filaments called byssus threads. While this method increases the mussel’s flexibility for feeding and migration, the threads seem too flimsy to withstand the impact of ocean waves. How does the byssus allow the mussel to hang on and not be swept out to sea?


IGNAZ SEMMELWEIS may not be a household name, yet his work has benefited most modern families. Born in Buda (now Budapest), Hungary, he received his medical degree at the University of Vienna in 1844. On taking up his post as assistant to a professor at the First Maternity Clinic of Vienna’s General Hospital in 1846, Semmelweis faced an appalling reality —more than 13 percent of the women giving birth there died from a disease called childbed fever. Various theories as to the cause of this disease had been proposed, yet no one had solved the mystery. All attempts to reduce the mortality rate proved futile. Troubled by the spectacle of numerous mothers suffering a slow, agonizing death, Semmelweis determined to find the cause of the disease and prevent it.

Rihanna As Marie Antoinette On CR Fashion Book

Rihanna  models for the latest issue of the high fashion magazine, CR Fashion Book. She was dressed as Louis XVI’s iconic wife Marie Antoinette.

Cities At Highest risk Of Earthquake In The World

Quito, Ecuador With nearly two million population, Quito is the only major city in the world located on the slopes of an active volcano and it also lies on the boundary where the Nazca Plate moves under the South America plate.  Lima, Peru Lima’s earthquakes are caused by the same faults that raised the Andes mountain range. These fault lines are also responsible for  the largest earthquake on record: the 9.5 magnitude quake in southern Chile in 1960. Similar to Quito, Lima, it lies close to where the Nazca plate goes under the South America plate. Most buildings built before 1970 are not earthquake resistant, but the country has considerably improved its construction standards since.

Are These Good Meal Chart?

  I'm sure you have heard this saying,  " Eat Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a Pauper. " Breakfast Chart

UK to build 'big new wall' in Calais to stop migrants

UK will soon start construction on a "big new wall" in the French port city of Calais to prevent refugees and migrants from entering Britain. The four-meter (13 foot) high wall is part of a £17 million ($23 million) deal struck between Britain and France earlier this year to try to block migrants from crossing the English Channel. "We've done the fence. Now we're doing a wall," British Immigration Minister Robert Goodwill announced at a government hearing on Tuesday.

Nollywood Will Definitely Be At The Toronto International Film Festival

The city of Lagos will take center stage at the Toronto International Film Festival [TIFF] Thursday.  The commercial capital of Nigeria has been chosen as part of the ' City to City ' programme. Each year a city is selected and filmmakers living and working there are showcased. Previous featured cities include; London, Mumbai and Seoul, this year eight Nigerian films will be screened.