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Showing posts from July 18, 2018

You Need a Financial Advisor

  A financial plan should always serve as the foundation from where all other financial decisions are made. No successful business was ever created without first having a plan in place, so why would your financial life be any different? It shouldn’t.

The World’s Most Untranslatable Word

  “The world’s most difficult word to translate has been identified as ‘ilunga’ from the Tshiluba language,” spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo, says BBC News. The word won a poll conducted among a thousand linguists.  Ilunga  means “a person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to tolerate it a second time, but never a third time.”

Relax Yourself...

  1. Get Sugar Smart 2. Play Calming Music 3. Put Down Your Smartphone

Top 10 Charitable Celebrities

Angelina Jolie - Humanitarian (UNICEF, ONE, UNHCR, etc..)   Leonardo DiCaprio - Humanitarian (Cinema for Peace, Go Green, Int'l Fund for Animal Welfare, etc..) Prince William - Homeless Advocate & many more...

Treat your hair problems using castor oil

It is good for hair because of its anti-inflammatory properties. The hair contains very small roots in which proper blood circulation is needed for the normal hair growth.  Castor oil improves the blood circulation for the normal growth of hair. It can be used very easily.

Hair Growth and Hair Loss

  Q: What is hair made of? A: Hair contains keratin, a fibrous protein. Each hair grows out of an indentation in the scalp called a follicle. At the bottom of each follicle is the papilla, which contains a rich blood supply. The papilla produces hair cells that progress up the follicle and harden into hair. Q: It is widely believed that hair grows faster when cut. Is this true? A: No. Some people imagine that hair is fed by the body in the same way the limbs of a tree are nourished by the trunk. But once hair grows out of the scalp, it is a dead substance. Trimming the hair, therefore, does not affect its growth.