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Showing posts from September 26, 2014

Protect Your Health

Taking simple protective steps can help you avoid much sickness and misery, as well as loss of time and money.    Keep yourself clean. Hand washing is the single most important thing that you can do to help prevent the spread of infection and to stay healthy and well. As many as 80 percent of infections are said to be passed on by unclean hands. So wash them often throughout the day. Do so especially before eating, preparing food, or dressing or even touching a wound, and do so after touching an animal, using the toilet, or changing a baby’s diaper.  Washing with soap and water is more effective than using alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Children stay healthier when parents train them to wash their hands and to keep them away from their mouth and eyes. Bathing every day and keeping your clothes and bed linens fresh and clean also contribute to better health.

The Common Loon—A Bird to Be Heard

THE eerie wail of the common loon is a sound few people forget. * Conveying the solitude of the wilderness, the cry can be heard at remote freshwater lakes and rivers in Canada, Europe, and the northern United States. A handsome waterbird, the loon is the state bird of Minnesota, U.S.A., and it appears on Canada’s dollar coin —the loonie. The bird is migratory, however, and winters mostly in coastal areas farther south. What makes the common loon a bird to be heard?

Rebuilding Trust In A Marriage

Since mutual trust is vital to marital happiness, victims of adultery have the option to decide whether to divorce or not. If you and your mate are striving to save your marriage after as great a setback as adultery, you obviously face a difficult challenge. The first several months after the news is broken may be especially trying. But you can succeed! How can you rebuild trust? 1 Be Honest With Each Other. You need to speak openly and honestly with each other. At first, you and your mate may be too upset to discuss the infidelity. Eventually, though, you will need to talk candidly about what happened. You may choose not to discuss   every detail, but avoiding the subject itself is not wise. Without a doubt, any discussion about the betrayal will be painful but know that those honest discussions can draw you closer. How can you take some of the strain out of such discussions? Remember that your primary purpose is, not to punish your partner, but to learn from the tr

Child Molesting—You Can Protect Your Child

Take definite steps to protect our children from sexual molestation. It is not wise to leave things to chance and just hope that nothing will happen. The First Line of Defense The first line of defense is to avoid situations that leave our children vulnerable. For example, parents are advised to be careful about using as baby-sitters young adults who seem to prefer being with children rather than with folks their own age. Children doubling up (in beds or rooms) with adults or teenagers, and large family gatherings where the grown-ups get involved    in enjoying themselves and just assume that the older children are taking care of the young ones. The truth is, the more we can keep our children under our own supervision, the less opportunity molesters will have to get at them.

Sexy Celebrities Perfume Ads

Beyonce  looks smoking hot in her Heat perfume ads. The ads have her in all red smoldering for the camera with a background of fire. This is a sultry and sexy ads by one of the most alluring celebrity women. Madonna who is  her 50s, is not afraid to show off her assets.  Like she did in this ad for her Truth or Dare Naked perfume.