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Am I Obsessed With My Appearance?

Quiz: Am I obsessed?

  1. Which statement best describes how you feel?
    • I am never satisfied with how I look.
    • I am sometimes satisfied with how I look.
    • I am always satisfied with how I look.
  2. What would you like to change most about your body?
    • Height
    • Weight
    • Body shape
    • Hair
    • Complexion
    • Muscle size
    • Other
  3. Complete the following sentence.
    I feel most insecure about my body . . .
    • when I get on the scale.
    • when I look in the mirror.
    • when I compare myself with others (friends, fashion models, movie stars).
  4. Complete the following sentence.
    I weigh myself . . .
    • daily.
    • weekly.
    • less often than once a week.
  5. Which expression best describes your feelings?
    • Negative body image. (Example: “Every time I look in the mirror, I think that I see an obese, hideous figure. I’ve even starved myself in an effort to lose weight.”)
    • Balanced body image. (Example: “There’s always going to be something we don’t like about our appearance, but some things we just need to accept. It’s silly to be anxious about something we can’t change.”)

      We all have some form of insecurity when it comes to our appearance including... :-)

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