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How to Control Spending

A look at your bank statements and bills reveals that your money is slipping away like sand that slips through your fingers. What may have caused you to get into this predicament?

Adjustment. If you were living at home with your parents or relatives before, you may be new to the world of paying bills and sharing expenses. It takes time to adjust and develop method of handling money.
Weeds growing around the legs of a married couple
Like weeds in a garden, debt that is ignored will simply grow and grow

You can do the following to ease spending:

Resolve to cooperate. If you have a roommate or spouse instead of blaming each other, work as a team to bring spending under control. Decide at the outset that you will not allow this issue to drive a wedge between you. 

Set up a budget. Write down all of your expenses, no matter how small, for a month. That will help you to figure out where your money is going and to identify any unnecessary expenditures. 

Allocate funds each month for separate expenses (food, rent, fuel, and so forth). Some do this by putting cash in envelopes, one for each expense category. If an envelope becomes depleted, you can either stop spending in that category or transfer money from another envelope.

Rethink your view of possessions. Happiness does not depend on having the latest things. 

And make necessary adjustment. Understanding and differentiating your needs from wants will go a long way to help.

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