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“I Want Out!”

A man and a woman
The run-down house shows signs of neglect. Over the years, it has weathered many storms, not all of them successfully. Now the structure is fragile, and the collapse of the house seems imminent.

That picture describes the state of many marriages today. Have you ever felt that your own marriage may be heading in the same direction?
If  it is any consolation, be assured that no couple is immune to problems. 

Underscoring the truthfulness of those words, a friend describe marriage as “the most risky undertaking routinely taken on by the greatest number of people in our society.” In most cases, what starts out as a relationship of great joy and promise can become the most frustrating and painful endeavor in a person’s lifetime.

What about your marriage? Is it characterized by one or more of the following traits?
  • Constant arguing
  • Bitter speech
  • Infidelity
  • Resentment
What if you decide you are actually out? There are four things you should know about divorce to help you prepare.

1 The Problem of Finances

Mary (not her real name), was married for 12 years when she found out that her husband had been having an affair with a colleague. By the time she knew about it, the woman was six months pregnant.

After a period of separation, Mary decided to get a divorce. She tried to her marriage, but her husband continued to be unfaithful. She feels that she made the right choice. As soon as she separated from her husband her economic situation became disastrous.
This experience and many more shows that breakup of a marriage often deals a devastating financial blow to women.

If you divorce, there may be a reduction in your income. You may also have to move. If you retain custody, it may be difficult to support yourself and adequately care for the needs of your children.

There are two more, which I will be writing on next.

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