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My fear of Cockroaches...:-)

As small as that insect is, it scares me to my bones. Don't ask why, cos I have absolutely no idea.

 One evening when relaxing with family members....
I striped naked screaming and running around the house thinking cockroach was walking on me. Yeah, I know, naked! Well, didn't realise I was naked until I was completely sure nothing was on me.

I decided to research my fear to find out more. Researching and writing about it has been extremely challenging. Each time I Google it, I see pictures of Cockroaches everywhere (phew!), very irritating and scary.

Okay lets go back to the subject. This is what I gathered:

National Geographic names the fear of cockroaches Katsaridaphobia. This fear can be enhanced by multiple factors not the least of which is their quickness and prolific nature. indicates this fear may be characterized by, “An abnormal and persistent fear of insects [cockroaches]. Sufferers of this fear experience undue anxiety even though they realize that most insects pose no threat. To avoid insects, they may frequently clean rooms and carpets, sweep hallways, spray insect-killer or seal off doors and windows.” I do that a lot

One of the primary causes for this phobia can often be traced by to a previous incident involving cockroaches. It could be a family member had previously suffered a traumatic experience involving cockroaches and instilled a fear simply by recounting negative thoughts about the roach. It might have also been reinforced at a time when the adult spotted a cockroach and expressed incredible fear. This scenario can take childish fear and amplify it many times over.

There may be other causes and many individuals can’t pinpoint the exact moment the fear started. They simply remain acutely aware that the fear is extreme. It is generally a profound negative first impression and then the desire to never have the same experience that contributes to the ongoing fear.

Ways to Overcome Katsaridaphobia

Because this fear is often caused by observing others who also had the fear there is a conditioned response in most katsaridaphobics. The greatest tool in managing the fear is reconditioning the mind to accept that the fear is unjustified. This can be accomplished through education and a caring therapist or friend willing to help draw the individual back to a place where they are kindly, but firmly reminded of the facts about the things they fear most – in this case the cockroach.

Since there is no harm that can come being in the same location as a cockroach there care be desensitization or brain retraining while in the presence of cockroaches in a controlled environment.

Guess what I am not alone in this (hehehe..) Newscaster Anderson Cooper has a fear of cockroaches too...:-)

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