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Makeup Mistakes

Yep, we love makeup. A trip to the makeup shop is like a trip to the candy store. So much to choose from - so many shades of lipsticks and shadows, different brands of mascara, foundation, concealer, and so many new beauty tools. 

Ladies we don’t want to spend time buying the right makeup and brand only to wear them wrongly.  Take a look at the list below to make sure you aren’t committing any makeup crimes.

Wearing the Wrong Color Foundation
There may be no more obvious makeup mistake than the wrong color foundation. When your face is one color and your neck is another, you know the shade of your foundation is completely wrong. Foundation is supposed to even out your skin tone and name says it all, it is a base for the rest of your makeup. Ladies, if your foundation is noticeable, chances are you're wearing the wrong color or applying too much.

A large number of women wear the wrong color foundation. This occurs because many women test foundation on their hands, which are typically a shade or two darker than their faces. When shopping, choose a few colors that seem closest to your natural skin tone and draw stripes along your jawline using a cotton swab. The foundation that disappears into your skin is the right color. If you have to blend your foundation into your neck, you're wearing the wrong color.

Wearing Lip Liner That's Too Dark
Lip liner keeps the lipstick from feathering or bleeding, and to make your lips look bigger. However, many women make the mistake of wearing a lip liner that's much darker than their shade of lipstick. However, this was a brief trend in the 90s. But I wore mine into 2000’s (Lol).

Also when you wear a dark lip liner, it will give you an odd ring-around-the-mouth, which is simply not an attractive look. Use a lip liner that matches or closely complements your lipstick. For older women, a clear lip liner is best, because it won't noticeably settle into lines around the mouth as the day goes on.

Applying Clumpy or Extreme Mascara
Mascara is intended to thicken and lengthen the eyelashes, drawing attention to the eyes to make them look bigger and more dramatic. Mascara comes in many forms - waterproof, smudgeproof, colored, clear, plumping, lengthening, and on and on and on. When applied properly, mascara gives you a sexy, long-lashed look. But when applied improperly, it just makes you look like a smudged-up mess.

The most common mistake is applying clumpy mascara. This happens when you put on too much, or your mascara is too old. Try using an eyelash comb to separate the lashes and get rid of the excess. Mascara is only meant to last three to four months. Your mascara should be two or three shades darker than your eyebrow color.

Blending Your Makeup Incorrectly
Makeup is meant to highlight your best features and downplay your flaws. If this is not the case, you may have a problem with blending.

Your makeup should never have obvious lines. It should be soft and blurry, each color fading into another. It should enhance the contours of your face, not outline them.

  • Always put on your makeup in proper lighting.
  • Use the right tools, like a round sponge or soft brush.
  • Starting with the darkest point of your makeup, gently buff the makeup into your skin. Do this until you can't see where one color stops and the other begins.
The concluding part will be posted tomorrow. *Winks*

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