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Spotlight on the Middle East

An interesting article i found. Enjoy..:-)

A crowd of people in the Middle East walk on a street lined with shops
Once home to many of the world’s earliest civilizations, the Middle East is a rich source of archaeological treasures.

Canaanite Winemakers

Three large jars
In 2013, archaeologists uncovered a massive Canaanite wine cellar that dates back some 3,700 years. The cellar contained 40 large jars that could store the equivalent of 3,000 modern bottles of wine. An archaeologist who analyzed residue on the jars noted that the Canaanites were careful winemakers. 

Population Explosion

In Egypt, 560,000 more babies were born in 2012 than in 2010, according to a report in the Guardian newspaper. If growth continues at this rate, some experts say, the country will experience even greater shortages of water, energy, and food.

Hoarded Coins Discovered

More than 100 bronze coins with the inscription “Year Four” were discovered near a highway in Israel. The date points to the fourth year of the Jewish revolt against the Romans (69-70 C.E.)—the revolt that led to Jerusalem’s destruction. “Evidently someone here feared the end was approaching—perhaps he could see the advancing Roman army,” says Pablo Betzer, an excavation director. “He hid his property in the hope of collecting it later.”

I look forward to my trip to Dubai later in the year. I have heard so much and look forward to what it holds for me. 

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