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What if I Just Don’t Fit In?

Two people working on a jigsaw puzzle

What you can do

First, identify the type of people you find it most challenging to fit in with.


I don’t fit in with . . .
  • peers
  • older youths
  • adults
I don’t fit in with people who are . . .
  • athletic
  • talented
  • intellectual


I don’t fit in with people who are . . .
  • confident
  • popular
  • in a clique
    Second, pick the statement that describes your typical reaction to being with the people you identified above.
  • I pretend to have similar interests or abilities.
  • I ignore their interests and talk about my own.
  • I stay quiet and look for the first opportunity to leave.
Third, take the initiative! You can’t always expect people to reach out to you; sometimes you have to reach out to them. How can you do that?
Look outside your age group. Think about it: Why limit yourself to one age group and then complain that you can’t find friends? That would be like starving to death on a desert island when there are fish swimming all around you!
Develop conversational skills. The key is to (1) listen, (2) ask questions, and (3) show genuine interest.
Try to be a listener rather than a talker. And when you talk, try not to talk about yourself or put others in a negative light.
If a person wants to talk about something that you are not familiar with, ask the person to explain, which will hopefully make the person talk to you even more.
You are a shy person, so you have to push yourself to converse. But to make friends, you have to be friendly. So put in effort to start talking.

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