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History Written in Blood

Twin Towers in New York, September 11, 2001

Just a few years ago, terrorism seemed to be restricted to a few isolated places, such as Northern Ireland, the Basque Country in northern Spain, and some areas of the Middle East. Now—especially since September 11, 2001, with the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York—it has mushroomed into a worldwide phenomenon, springing up in paradisaic Bali; Madrid, Spain; London, England; Sri Lanka; Thailand; and even Nepal. Yet, terrorism is not a new development. What is meant by the term “terrorism”?

Terrorism has been defined as “the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.” The student of terrorism is confronted with hundreds of definitions . . . But only two characteristics of terrorism are critical for distinguishing it from other forms of violence. What are they? First, terrorism is aimed at noncombatants. . . . Second, terrorists use violence for dramatic purpose: instilling fear in the target audience is often more important than the physical result. This deliberate creation of dread is what distinguishes terrorism from simple murder or assault.

Violence Rooted in the Past

In first-century Judaea, a violent group called the Zealots pushed for Jewish independence from Rome. Some of their most ardent adherents became known as Sicarii, or dagger men, a name that comes from the short swords they hid under their garments. Mingling in Jerusalem’s festival crowds, the Sicarii slit the throats of their enemies or stabbed them in the back.


In 66 C.E., a group of Zealots seized the fortress of Masada near the Dead Sea. They butchered the Roman garrison and made the mountaintop fastness their base of operations. For years they sortied from there and harassed the imperial authorities. In 73 C.E., the Roman Tenth Legion led by Governor Flavius Silva retook Masada, but they did not conquer the Zealots. A contemporary 

historian claims that rather than give in to Rome, 960 of them—everyone up there except for two women and five children—committed suicide.

Some view the Zealot revolt as the start of terrorism as we know it. True or not, since then terrorism has left deep tracks in history’s path.

Beginning in 1095 and continuing for two centuries, crusader armies repeatedly crossed between Europe and the Middle East. Opposing them were Muslim forces from Asia and North Africa. The issue was control of Jerusalem, and each side tried to gain the advantage. In their many battles, those “holy warriors” hacked one another to pieces. They also used their swords and battle-axes on mere bystanders. William of Tyre, a 12th-century clergyman, described the crusaders’ entry into Jerusalem in the year 1099:

“They went together through the streets with their swords and spears in hand. All them that they met they slew and smote right down, men, women, and children, sparing none. . . . They slew so many in the streets that there were heaps of dead bodies, and one might not go nor pass but upon them that so lay dead. . . . There was so much blood shed that the channels and gutters ran all with blood, and all the streets of the town were covered with dead men.”


In later centuries terrorists began using explosives and firearms with gruesome, fatal results. In spite of laws and universal condemnation, this sadistic routine does not stop. Is there hope that terrorism will end?

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