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ASUU Warns Against Imminent Strike Over 2009 Nigerian Government/ASUU Agreement

The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU has again warned that the Federal Government’s failure to honour the implementation of the 2009 FGN/ASUU Agreement may lead to another industrial action. ASUU Lagos Zone Coordinator, Professor Olusiji Sowande, who spoke at the University of Lagos yesterday said: ‘’We are perplexed and disappointed that the Federal and state governments are not responding to our consistent appeals to bring about genuine transformation, driven by highly-motivated human capital in the education sector.’’

According to him, embarking on strike has never been a favoured choice, adding that its members feel and suffer the most during and after every strike. While lamenting that the only language government appears to respect and listen to is that of strike, Sowande said: ‘’Let it be known that our union, as in the past, if it becomes inevitable would once again sacrifice the comfort of its members and take up the patriotic duty of rescuing our education system.’’ In order to forestall this avoidable crisis, the union urged individuals and groups to prevail on the Nigerian government to arrest the situation before it degenerates into a serious conflagration.

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