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Ten Ways You Are Ruining Your Hair

Not Shampooing Enough
Washing your hair two or three times a week strips away layers of product and excess oil.

Brushing Your Hair Right Out of the Shower
Hair is at its weakest and most elastic when it's really wet. The tight pull of a brush, can overstretch the hair shaft and lead to breakage. A betterdetangling strategy: Use your fingers or a wide-tooth comb to work through knots while your hair is coated with conditioner in the shower.

Blowout With Soaking-Wet Hair
Remember that last slide? You shouldn't be brushing superwet hair. Plus, the sooner you start blow-drying, the longer your hair is exposed to damaging heat. Start your blowout when your hair has already air-dried at least 50 percent of the way.

Using the Wrong Brush
Natural-bristle brushes are great for grabbing thick, slightly damp hair and smoothing it out during a blowout. But they create too much tension on fine or damaged hair. Vent brushes are a gentler option. Their rubber-tipped bristles glide through the hair, and they have open backs that allow air and moisture to pass through for a quicker blow-dry..
TIP: Check comb teeth for seams or roughness (there shouldn't be any) and run your brush along the inside of your arm. If there are any scratches, toss it. If it harms your skin, it's going to harm your hair, too.

Turning Up the Heat
Heat damages your hair, so you need to keep temperatures in check. If your blow-dryer hurts your scalp. Your best bet is to use one with at least 2000 watts and set it on medium heat. That way, you're relying more on airflow than on heat to eliminate moisture. And never, ever turn your flatiron above 350 degrees.

Ironing Too Aggressively
Yanking of any kind doesn't do your hair any favors, but it's especially damaging when the weapon of choice is a flatiron. The combination of heat and a pulling action can really weaken your hair. So go easy with your iron. And always, always use a heat-protecting styler first. Most contain some combination of silicones, cetyl alcohol, and quaterniums, all of which help the iron glide along the hair shaft without tugging.

Going Overboard With Silicones
Use serums that contain dimethicone or phenyl trimethicone, they are a safer bet. Just remember that using any kind of hair serum or oil (many of which contain more silicones than actual oils) is a bit like happy hour: Get too enthusiastic and you'll have a big, sloppy mess on your hands. Comb a drop—and only a drop—through damp hair before drying and styling as usual.

Wearing Hair That's Not Your Own
An occasional detox could mean the difference between bald patches and full, healthy hair. Weaves sew tracks to tight braids, which tug at the hairline, and lace-front wigs act almost like epilators, yanking out the hair. The hairline recedes from tight pulling. Clip-in pieces are the most gentle option; they're very temporary and very easy to remove.

You should be able to go about four to six weeks between dye jobs. If you find yourself needing more frequent color upkeep—which can stress and damage hair—make a few changes at home: First, avoid styling products with alcohol, since they strip away dye and expedite fading. 

Misusing Relaxers
Just like the peroxide in permanent hair color, relaxers are chemicals that can destroy the hair if they're not applied properly. A relaxer should be done by a professional every four to eight weeks, depending on your hair growth. And when you go back for a touch-up, the solution should be applied only to the new growth. Some stylists pull it through the whole strand, which leads to dryness and, eventually, breakage.

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