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Its Ok for Rape Victim to Marry their Rapist - Malaysian MP tells Parliament

Rape victims can ward off a “bleak future” by marrying their rapists, an MP and former judge has suggested in the Malaysia parliament. 

Shabudin Yahaya, who is a member of the Barisan Nasional coalition and former sharia judge, made the comments in response to a proposal by an opposition member  at the Houses of Parliament during a debate over a bill on sexual offences against children.

The MP did acknowledged rape as a criminal offence, but marriage between the victim and the rapists as a way to solve social problems, the rapist can change thus living a healthier and better. As for the rape victim she will not necessarily have a bleak future.

Yahaya also suggested that girls as young as 12 might be “spiritually and physically” ready for marriage. His comments has drew criticism from locals in his constituency, the country and the world.

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