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Home Remedies For Flawless And Glowing Skin

1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Flawless Skin

What You Have To Do

1.     Soak little in cotton ball and dab on the spots, blemishes, scars and pigmented areas of your face.
2.     Let it dry for 10 minutes.
3.     Rinse it off with water.
4.     For sensitive skin type, add some aloe vera gel to counter the acidity of the vinegar.
5.     Do this once every day.


2. Aloe Vera For Flawless Skin

1.     Cut the leaf from the aloe plant.
2.     Scoop out the gel and put it in an air-tight container.
3.     Apply some of this gel on your entire face and massage it in.
4.     Leave it for at least an hour before washing.
5.     Store the remaining gel in a cool place.
6.     Do this everyday.
Note: You can buy aloe gel from the market, if you don’t have the plant.

3. Alum For Flawless Skin

1.     Mix Alum and a tablespoon of honey.
2.     Apply this as a face pack and let it dry for 10 minutes.
3.     Wash the pack off with lukewarm water.
4.     Do this twice a week.

4. Coconut Oil For Flawless Skin
1.     Cleanse your face and pat it dry.
2.     Massage the facial skin with few drops of organic coconut oil and leave the oil on overnight.
3.     Do this every night, before going to bed.
Note: People with oily skin can add a drop or two of coconut oil to their regular moisturizer and apply this every night.

5. Castor Oil For Flawless Skin

1.     Steam your face by placing it over the hot water bowl with the towel to cover your head.
2.     After 2-3 minutes, pat your skin dry gently and apply the castor oil.
3.     Massage it in thoroughly.
4.     Leave it on overnight.
5. Do this once in every 4-5 days.
Note: Castor oil can be applied (without the steam) every night as well.


6. Rosehip Oil For Flawless Skin

1. Simply pat 2-3 drops of the oil into your facial skin after you have cleansed your face.
2. Do this every night.

7. Almond Oil For Flawless Skin

1.     Warm up 2-3 drops of the oil in between your finger tips and massage the facial skin with it.
2.     Leave the oil on overnight.
3.     Do this oil every night.

8. Green Tea Ice Cubes For Flawless Skin

You Will Need

1.     Drop one tea bag in hot water for a few minutes.
2.     Remove the tea bag and once the tea has cooled down a little, pour it into the ice tray and freeze it.
3.     Rub the green tea ice cube gently all over your face.
4.     Let the green tea dry naturally and then rinse your face with plain water.
5.     Do every day.

9. Garlic For Flawless Skin
1.     Crush one garlic glove and apply it on the marks and scars on your face.
2.     Leave it on for five minutes and then rinse it off.
3.     Pat dry and apply a moisturizer.
4.     Do this on a daily basis.


10. Honey For Flawless Skin

1.     Make a thick paste with the 1-2 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
2.     Apply on the face and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
3.     Wash your face clean with water.

4.     Do this once or twice a week.

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